Get $5 off the “CAUGHT” t-shirt inspired by the Real Catch Me If You Can Series. Use discount code “CAUGHT” at checkout.
You can wear it next time Frank Abagnale comes to speak at a conference near you. In fact, he’s speaking next week about ETHICS at Xavier University. ETHICS!!!! That’s like Jeffrey Dahmer teaching at The Culinary Institute of America. Ridiculous!
The event is free and open to the public.
Cincinnati – Heroes of Professional Ethics Lecture
When: Sep 12, 2022
Where: Cincinnati, OH
Event Details
This year’s speaker is Frank Abagnale – Renowned cybersecurity and fraud prevention expert, bestselling author, and the subject of Catch Me if You Can.
Abagnale takes you behind the scenes to reveal how simple strategies can thwart today’s cyber criminals. His perspective and counsel have guided not only the FBI but more than half of the Fortune 500 companies in America.
He keeps a keen eye on the latest techniques developed by high-tech criminals to deceive and steal. He leaves audiences with a deep understanding of today’s evolving security landscape and takeaways for stopping scammers in their tracks. But more importantly, he shares his vision of how to make the world a safer place.
Monday, September 12
6:00-7:30 PM
Duff Banquet Room
Cintas Center
This is a free event and open to the public.