Here’s Frank Abagnale’s interview with BBC HardTalk:
BBC Reporter:“Are these victimless crimes?
Frank Abagnale:“Um, victimless as there were no individuals I ripped off for money. There were companies and banks. But in reality…I paid the money back. So there really isn’t anyone sitting out there saying they’re out the money or lost money from this crime.”
But we know, for a fact, that he is accused of ripping off dozens of individuals, including Paula Parks and her Frank A
Frank Abagnale letter to the Parks family
Abagnale is convicted of fraud and forgery
After scamming the Parks’ and other small businesses, Frank Abagnale Jr. sat in jail contemplating his bleak future—a possible 10-year sentence in the Louisiana State Supermax Penitentiary (known as Angola).
But Frank Abagnale is a con artist, not a fighter. So how is he going to survive in America’s most dangerous prison? His lawyer called a hail mary. Frank Abagnale claimed insanity. As a result, the court-appointed lunacy commission held an inquisition into the mental state of young Frank. But unfortunately for Abagnale, the commission found him perfectly sane.
They wrote, “After an examination, it is our opinion that Frank Abagnale is able to distinguish between right and wrong, is able to assist counsel in his defense, and understands the magnitude of the charges.”
On January 2, 1969, Frank Abagnale appeared before the judge and pleaded guilty to forgery and theft.
Next stop, Angola… the Alcatraz of the south.
But wait… Abagnale never stepped foot inside Angola. Instead, the judge ordered him to undergo psychiatric treatment and sentenced him to supervised probation. The judge also ordered Abagnale to return all the money he stole from his victims… including the Parks.
According to court records, Abagnale never arrived at his first psychiatric appointment and was nowhere to be found. As a result, Frank Abagnale was on the run.
Frank Abagnale’s victimless crimes?
We know that Frank Abagnale did not commit so-called victimless crimes. We have the court records to prove it.
So, how does present-day Abagnale reflect on these times?
Frank Abagnale:“I think that’s why people probably are a little more willing to accept what I did. I repaid all the money many years ago.”
I’ve interviewed several of Abagnale’s victims for this podcast, and none seem very forgiving. I know Paul Parks isn’t forgiving him anytime soon. Because unless the check got lost in the mail, the Parks never did get their money back. The money Abagnale swore to repay.
These are the crimes Frank Abagnale is not so proud of. The ones he doesn’t want you to know about.
So gather around kids… Let’s have America’s most beloved con man try to fool us one more time.
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True Crime Podcast Festival 2022 in Dallas, TX
We’re excited to announce that Pretend, and Criminal Conduct hosts will attend the True Crime Podcast Festival on August 26-28th in Dallas, Texas.
The Festival is designed around your desire to mingle, interact, and have casual conversations with the podcasters you listen to regularly. There will also be panel discussions and live episodes you can’t hear anywhere else!
Go to the website to find information on tickets and the hotel. Prices go up the closer we get to the event, so you won’t want to wait.