A modern-day pirate

To listen to part 1, click here.

Michael Torres is a self-proclaimed pirate. He says his most recent finds include the crown jewels of a pre-Incan civilization, a missing colonial settlement, and a desecrated Jewish burial site at Bonaventure cemetery. 

Michael Torres- Treasure Hunter discovers a trail of desecrated Jewish headstones near Bonaventure Cemetery on a scenic bluff of the Wilmington River, east of Savannah, Georgia.

These larger-than-life discoveries have come into question. In today’s episode, we’ll follow the evidence to separate fact from fiction. 

Seafarer Exploration

Michael Torres is currently being sued by Seafarer Exploration (SFRX), a treasure salvage company. The company says Torres lied about his credentials and has set them back financially. Today, we take a closer look at Seafarer Exploration to understand how this company stays afloat. After all, they’re a 13-year-old company with millions of dollars in debt, and have yet to find any treasure.

Comments (1)
  1. I live in Savannah have all my life, I’ve always understood that the crumbled gravestones along the banks of the river the bonaventure cemetery sits on, our old mistakes so they use them as erosion control…Pirate tunnel in Savannah Is one in the Pirates house restaurant, it went to the Savannah River but it is blocked off now at the river, the Pirates would get people drunk put them on the ship and they wake up and sea to work… This man is a complete fraud

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