How Ana Montes’ Family Ties Unraveled the Cuban Spy Plot Against the U.S.

Start here: Part one of “The Cuban Spy”

When the lights of the Pentagon dimmed and the rest of D.C. settled into the night, Ana Montes began her covert dance as a Cuban spy. But after 17 years in this dangerous tango, her own bloodline played an unexpected role in her downfall. Dive in as we delve deeper into the captivating world of espionage, loyalty, and unexpected betrayals.

Ana Montes, a former US defense analyst arrested for spying for Cuba,  released from federal prison - ABC News

From Shadows to Spotlight: The Unraveling of Ana Montes, the Cuban Spy

Hidden within the Pentagon’s vast maze, Ana Montes expertly spun her web of secrets for Cuba. Yet, as with all intricate schemes, the threads began to loosen. Over 17 covert years, her dance with deception went unnoticed, but even the best-laid plots have their breaking point. Venture with us into the moment it all came undone