He Crossed LaDonna Humphrey. Then She Tried to Ruin His Life.
After Anthony Christopher fired LaDonna Humphrey, she campaigned to take him down and destroy his clinical therapy practice.
Anthony Christopher Hires LaDonna Humphrey

Anthony Christopher’s clinical therapy practice served children, specifically foster children. In 2018, LaDonna Humphrey started bringing five of her children, four of whom she had adopted and one she was in the process of adopting, into the clinic. She mentioned to Anthony that she was struggling with the most recent adoption and was looking for work. So Anthony hired her and created a new position just for LaDonna. Things went downhill from there.
Anthony Fires LaDonna
According to Nae Heintz, who worked at the clinic, LaDonna had issues from the start. She wouldn’t show up to meetings. It was always something: a flat tire, a sick kid. Negative work reviews seemed to go nowhere with her. Then, she ran an illegal background check on another employee. These kinds of reports are supposed to be for licensed investigators only. This report included the employee’s social security number and bank accounts. Then, Nae says LaDonna ran an illegal background check on her, using the information to destroy Nae’s career. Before the end of her 90-day probation period, Anthony fired LaDonna Humphrey.
LaDonna Humphrey Tries to Get Even
According to Anthony, LaDonna Humphrey did not take the firing well. She started sending fake emails to the community and board members with allegations about how Anthony was running his practice. She tried to destroy his credibility. Then, she sent an email to the board president outing Anthony’s sexual preference, including a picture of him kissing his ex on the cheek. Remember, this is Arkansas, where many nonprofits are church-run or affiliated. As a result, Anthony lost his position on the board and lost his practice. But this was only the beginning of this fight. Despite having employed her for less than three months, her attacks would define years of his life. In the Arkansas Business magazine, you can read more about Anthony Christopher’s legal battles with LaDonna Humphrey.
In this episode, you’ll hear from LaDonna Humphrey herself – recordings from the police investigation into her dealings with Anthony Christopher and his clinical therapy practice.
Haven’t started the series yet? Go back to part 1.
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