Is LaDonna Humphrey Targeting Melissa Witt’s Ex for Fame?
Melissa’s ex-boyfriend, Daniel Watson, has never been officially named as a suspect in the police investigation, but that hasn’t stopped LaDonna from casting suspicion in his direction.
It Began With a Hypnosis Session
In 2022, Alecia Lockhart found herself in a hotel room with LaDonna Humphrey, two Fort Smith police detectives, a witness in the Melissa Witt case, and a hypnotist. During the hypnosis session, the witness claimed to remember hearing a woman yelling at someone named Daniel in a parking lot, telling him to stay away from her. This was precisely the information the unofficial investigators hoped for, suggesting that her ex-boyfriend, Daniel Watson, was involved. LaDonna’s team was confident that the police would soon arrest Daniel. However, the arrest never happened.
LaDonna Does Everything but Name Daniel
Despite the apparent lack of police interest in Daniel, LaDonna didn’t relent. Although she never mentioned Daniel Watson by name on her podcast, in private, LaDonna expressed her belief that he murdered Melissa Witt. LaDonna danced around the subject in her podcast and book, insinuating his involvement without explicitly naming him. At one point, she even contacted Daniel directly. They had dinner, during which LaDonna grilled him about Melissa Witt, seemingly trying to extract a confession and failed. Subsequently, LaDonna Humphrey was cited as the sole source in a Sun article claiming that an old roommate of Daniel confirmed Watson’s involvement in the murder.
Audio PlayerThe Maura Murray Connection
In 2006, LaDonna contacted the Maura Murray family to involve her nonprofit in the search for their missing daughter. LaDonna suggested offering a reward through her organization, but the Murrays became wary of her legitimacy for various reasons. After receiving a few dead-end tips, they decided to part ways. Ten years later, LaDonna would reenter their lives.
This is part five of a multi-part series. Go back and listen to our first episode of Who’s Afraid of LaDonna Humphrey?
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